“There was never a night or a problem that could defeat a sunrise.” - Bernard Williams
Here at The West Arm Lodge, we're busy trying to settle in as new owners, while making prudent improvements where we can. Taking over on the busiest weekend of the year was stressful and hectic, to be sure, but came with bonuses. We love greeting our new Guests and sadly saying farewell to those that are leaving after a stay. We actually enjoy fulfilling special requests and accommodating when possible. We're literally run off our feet every day, all day. I am attempting to stay in contact with our friends and fans on social media all the time, at all hours of the day or night. And it is 100% worth it for many reasons, but there is one reason in particular:

The sunrise. It stopped me in my tracks this morning with it's shear, jaw-dropping beauty. My phone camera missed the best of it, but snapping a picture of the mist rolling out of our little bay along the West Arm of Lake Nipissing is always a true joy. It probably sounds cliche, but it is breathtaking. And even better, most days offer similar, but never exactly the same, vistas to bask in. I stood there, in silence and awe, for perhaps ten minutes before realizing I had to get over to the main Lodge and open the office for the day.
The early morning anglers had already set out to make their (hopefully) big score, as some of the best fishing in Ontario can be found here. The anglers know; they know the secret of the sunrise as well. It guards many secrets, but it also ushers in a new day, new opportunities and new goals. New life.
Come and visit us here at the Lodge. Although almost fully booked up, there are still scattered openings left in August and more availability in September, which is prime fishing time. Experience the sunrise as I did this very morning. It will renew your soul and make your heart soar for what lies ahead for the day. It certainly did for me.